Writing For Nerds - Blogging For Fun and (Not Much) Profit • Charles Humble • GOTO 2023

Discover the art and craft of writing for nerds, including blogging for fun and not much profit, and learn how to improve your writing skills with practical tips and techniques from Charles Humble's talk at GOTO 2023.

Key takeaways
  • Key takeaways from the talk: Writing For Nerds - Blogging For Fun and (Not Much) Profit

  • Writing is a craft, improving with practice and feedback. One should always keep practicing writing.

  • A good first paragraph should introduce the topic, with subsequent paragraphs providing more details and expanding on the idea.

  • Writing can help build personal brand and attract followers.

  • Good writing should flow logically, with clear thinking behind the sentences.

  • It’s not important how many words you write, as long as the content is valuable.

  • Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is not essential, but it can improve the content’s reach.

  • A glossary is a great way to explain technical terms in your writing.

  • Good writing also has patterns that can be learned and practiced.

  • The key to effective writing is to make it lean, clear and easy to understand.

  • It’s a common mistake to assume that long and complicated sentences are good, while clear and simple sentences are not. This assumption is wrong.

  • Good writers take the time to revise their work to make it better.

  • Annotating and highlighting as you read others’ work can help you develop a sense of what makes writing effective.

  • It’s not uncommon to experience writer’s block, and having someone to review and provide feedback can be helpful.

  • Good writing often leads to better understanding and improved critical thinking.

  • It’s always beneficial to have an editor reviewing and providing feedback on your work.