Building an ML Factory | Adi Hirschtein, Iguazio (May 2022)

Building an ML factory requires efficient orchestration, automation, and monitoring. Discover the key components, including feature store, model monitoring, and automation, and how a serverless architecture can enhance collaboration and reduce costs.

Key takeaways
  • Effective machine learning (ML) development involves a combination of orchestration, automation, and monitoring.
  • Building an ML factory requires addressing challenges such as scalability, resource management, and feedback loops.
  • Key components include:
    • Feature store for efficient and scalable feature engineering
    • Model monitoring for drift detection and accuracy maintenance
    • Automation for streamlined development, deployment, and maintenance
  • Serverless architecture provides benefits such as flexible resource allocation, cost-effectiveness, and enhanced collaboration
  • Companies like S&P Global and Samsung are using this approach to achieve real-time recommendation and fraud prediction respectively
  • Data scientists can focus on their core tasks while the platform handles infrastructure and management
  • The platform provides a single pane of glass for monitoring features, models, and resources, enabling data scientists to work more efficiently
  • Use cases include:
    • Online and real-time recommendation systems
    • Fraud prediction and detection
    • Image recognition and extraction
    • Graph-based modeling and serving
  • Challenges include managing complexity, handling cold starts, and ensuring scalability and cost-effectiveness
  • Addressing these challenges requires a combination of technical expertise, domain knowledge, and cultural shift