You have the tech chops - now it's time to earn visibility and trust, with content!

Learn the secrets to earning visibility and trust online by creating valuable content, building a community, and taking calculated risks with authenticity, consistency, and expertise.

Key takeaways
  • Earning visibility and trust requires creating valuable content, not just broadcasting your message.
  • Curation is a key aspect of content creation, and building a community around your work helps.
  • Consistency is crucial, but don’t abandon all other aspects of your life for the sake of content creation.
  • Authenticity and honesty are essential in building trust and credibility.
  • Calculated risks, such as writing case studies or interviews with customers, can pay off.
  • Engaging with others, building relationships, and responding to comments and questions is important.
  • Understanding and serving your audience’s specific needs and pain points is vital.
  • Having a unique niche and expertise can set you apart and increase your influence.
  • Creating educational content that solves problems and answers questions is effective.
  • Earning topic authority takes time and effort, but can lead to greater influence and credibility.
  • Joining online communities and participating in discussions can help build your reputation and authority.
  • Having a website and controlling the content on it is essential.
  • Authenticity, transparency, and honesty are key elements of building trust with your audience.
  • Consistency and focus are crucial for building an audience and creating a loyal following.
  • Becoming a curator of valuable content is a powerful way to build relationships and influence.
  • Building a community around your work and expertise is essential for earning visibility and trust.
  • Calculated risks and bold moves can pay off and increase your influence.
  • Authenticity, honesty, and vulnerability are essential for building trust and credibility.
  • Having a unique voice and perspective can set you apart and increase your influence.
  • Building relationships and engaging with others is crucial for creating a loyal following and increasing your influence.