Front End Testing with GitHub Actions - Amy Kapernick - NDC London 2024

Automate front-end testing with GitHub Actions, automate build, end-to-end testing, and deployment, while ensuring code quality and protecting sensitive information.

Key takeaways
  • Use GitHub Actions for front-end testing to automate repetitive tasks and ensure code quality.
  • Set up a build job to check out the repo code, install dependencies, and build the application.
  • Use Playwright to run end-to-end tests and generate a report.
  • Define jobs and steps in YAML files to configure the workflow.
  • Trigger workflows based on specific events, such as pull request creation or merge.
  • Use environment variables to pass information between steps and jobs.
  • Base64 encode sensitive information, such as authentication tokens, to protect them.
  • Use the GitHub Actions CLI tool to deploy the application to a live environment.
  • Integrate with Netlify to deploy the application and generate a deploy URL.
  • Use Lighthouse to run performance tests and generate a report.
  • Automate the process of adding comments to pull requests based on test results.
  • Use Azure DevOps as an alternative to GitHub Actions for CI/CD.
  • Take advantage of the free plan of GitHub Actions, which includes a limited number of minutes.
  • Use the GitHub Actions team to get help and support.
  • Be mindful of the output of running commands and the potential for sensitive information to be exposed.
  • Use the GitHub Actions documentation to learn more about the tool and its features.