Spring Modulith – Spring for the Architecturally Curious Developer by Oliver Drotbohm

Discover how to build modular Spring applications with Spring Modulith, emphasizing separation of concerns, clear boundaries, and event-based communication for improved maintainability and scalability.

Key takeaways
  • Spring Modulith is a new approach to building modular Spring applications, emphasizing separation of concerns and clear boundaries between modules.
  • Application Module Canvases are tables that show the relationships between modules and services, making it easier to understand the overall architecture.
  • Functional Packaging is a technique to organize code into small, focused packages that align with the business domain, reducing coupling and improving maintainability.
  • Event-Based Communication is a way to decouple modules from each other, allowing them to communicate through events instead of tightly coupled dependencies.
  • Event Publication Registry is a mechanism that allows modules to publish events, making it easier to observe and debug the system.
  • Spring Boot Integration Tests can be simplified by using event-based communication, allowing for more efficient testing and verification of the system.
  • Modulith supports Spring Data JPA and other frameworks, providing a flexible way to integrate with existing technologies.
  • Cohesion and Coupling are important considerations when designing modular applications, as they can impact maintainability and scalability.
  • Modularity can bring many benefits, including improved maintainability, scalability, and flexibility, but requires careful planning and design to achieve.
  • Modulith provides a set of conventions and best practices for building modular Spring applications, making it easier to get started and maintain complex systems.
  • Independent And Interconnected modules can be developed and tested independently, while still being able to interact with each other through events.
  • Monolithic Architecture can be limiting and inflexible, making Modulith a more suitable approach for large-scale, complex systems.