DPC2019: Interface Segregation for PHP - Dan Ackroyd

Learn how to break down big interfaces into smaller, more manageable pieces to improve code readability, testing, and maintainability in this PHP-focused talk on interface segregation.

Key takeaways
  • A key concept is breaking down big interfaces into smaller ones to facilitate testing and improve code readability.
  • The code should be made more specific to the requirements of the application, rather than trying to be a universal interface.
  • Type extraction is a way to create a separate type that is specific to the requirements of the application, making the code more reasonbable and easier to test.
  • Dependency injection can be used to simplify the code and improve maintainability.
  • Interface segregation is about breaking down the interface into smaller, more specific parts that are easier to understand and test.
  • The speaker emphasizes the importance of creating an easy-to-understand code, as it makes debugging and testing easier.
  • Testing is about verifying the behavior of the code, not just checking if it works.
  • Code should be made to be more specific and focused on a particular task, rather than trying to be a general-purpose solution.
  • Feedback from users is essential to improve the code and ensure it meets their requirements.
  • A type can be extracted from a complex object to make the code more understandable and maintainable.
  • Interface segregation is about creating an interface that is specific to the requirements of the application, rather than trying to create a general-purpose interface.
  • The speaker emphasizes the importance of creating a code that is easy to understand and maintain, rather than trying to create a code that is clever.
  • Big interfaces can make code difficult to test and maintain, and should be broken down into smaller, more specific interfaces.
  • Using interface segregation and type extraction can help improve code readability and maintainability.