"Simple Made Easy" - Rich Hickey (2011)

Explore the concept of simplicity in systems, abstraction, and modularity, and learn how simple systems are often more powerful and efficient than complex ones, presenting a simple interface to the user.

Key takeaways
  • The concept of simplicity is often misunderstood, and simplicity is not about making things easy to understand, but rather about making things easy to use.
  • Simple systems are those that are easy to understand and easy to use, and are composed of simple components that are easy to understand and easy to use.
  • Complex systems are those that are difficult to understand and difficult to use, and are composed of complex components that are difficult to understand and difficult to use.
  • The complexity of a system is not necessarily a measure of its value or importance, but rather a measure of its difficulty to understand and use.
  • Simple systems are often more powerful and more efficient than complex systems, and are better suited to solving complex problems.
  • The concept of simplicity is closely related to the concept of abstraction, and simple systems are often those that are able to abstract away complexity and present a simple interface to the user.
  • The concept of simplicity is also closely related to the concept of modularity, and simple systems are often those that are composed of modular components that can be easily combined and reused.
  • The concept of simplicity is not necessarily a new idea, and has been discussed by many philosophers and thinkers throughout history.
  • The concept of simplicity is often contrasted with the concept of complexity, and the two are often seen as opposing forces that shape the world around us.
  • The concept of simplicity is often used to describe the simplicity of a system or a process, and is often used to describe the simplicity of a particular design or solution.
  • The concept of simplicity is often used to describe the simplicity of a particular concept or idea, and is often used to describe the simplicity of a particular philosophy or worldview.