How to fall in love with TDD - Gui Ferreira - NDC London 2024

Learn how to fall in love with Test-Driven Development (TDD) and improve code quality, reduce bugs, and develop a growth mindset.

Key takeaways
  • Start practicing TDD to improve code quality and reduce bugs.
  • Don’t practice TDD for end-to-end tests, as it’s not efficient.
  • Write tests before implementing code, focusing on small steps.
  • TDD is not a silver bullet, and it won’t solve all problems.
  • Keep code simple and refactor frequently to improve design.
  • Architecture should be designed for testability.
  • Practice empathy and understanding when communicating with others about TDD.
  • It’s normal to feel frustrated and question the value of TDD initially.
  • Start with small steps and gradually build up complexity.
  • Use a story-based approach to learn TDD and understand its benefits.
  • TDD helps developers develop a growth mindset and adapt to changing requirements.
  • Refactoring code regularly improves design and maintainability.
  • Practice TDD with others to stay motivated and learn from each other.
  • Don’t be afraid to make mistakes or ask for help when practicing TDD.
  • TDD improves code quality by reducing bugs and improving maintainability.
  • TDD helps developers understand the needs of their clients and create better solutions.
  • Refactoring code regularly reduces technical debt.
  • Practice TDD with empathy and understanding to improve your coding skills.
  • TDD helps developers stay focused on the needs of their clients.
  • Use a hexagonal architecture to decouple dependencies and improve testability.
  • Practice TDD to improve your understanding of the code and the requirements.