Stop Writing Your Routes - Eduardo San Martin Morote, Vue.js Live 2023

Discover a simpler approach to routing that reduces error-prone configuration and focuses on creating routes. Learn how ViewRouter and API ergonomics can improve your development experience and error handling.

Key takeaways
  • The traditional way of writing routes can be tedious and error-prone.
  • Routing is where different concepts come together, such as APIs, users, and applications.
  • Writing routes can become overwhelming, especially for large applications.
  • A simple and straightforward approach can lead to better results.
  • The focus should be on creating routes, not configuring them.
  • Route names should be typed and predictable.
  • Avoiding context switching can improve productivity.
  • The presentation includes a brief overview of the ViewRouter library and its features.
  • Data loading is a crucial aspect of route creation.
  • The speaker introduces the concept of “API ergonomics” and how it can be improved.
  • The goal is to make errors harder to make and easier to spot.
  • The traditional way of writing routes is often cumbersome and verbose.
  • The proposed approach erases the route creation, making it simpler and more manageable.
  • The library can generate types and autocomplete suggestions.
  • The speaker invites the audience to try the proposed approach and view the slides on esm.ease/stopwritingyourroutes.
  • The presentation also touches on the topic of data loading and the need for a more efficient approach.