LeadDev London 2022 Jenny Sivapalan

Learn how a scalable, consistent interview format can revolutionize your hiring process, and discover the benefits of investing time in creating a repeatable interview process for improved efficiency, candidate experience, and better hiring outcomes.

Key takeaways
  • Hiring is a continuous effort at scale, and it’s essential to have a scalable, consistent interview format.
  • Building a talent team is crucial for attracting candidates and creating a great candidate experience.
  • Having a well-understood hiring process with clear prompts and a rubric for each interview helps to ensure consistency.
  • It’s essential to get feedback to candidates and make the hiring call efficiently.
  • Creating a repeatable interview process saves time and ensures that each interviewer is aligned.
  • Partnering up with experienced engineers to interview candidates helps to accelerate the process.
  • Giving candidates the opportunity to showcase their skills and experience can lead to better quality answers and improved candidate experience.
  • Having a well-documented process helps to ensure that each interviewer is aligned and that the process is scalable.
  • Investing time in creating a repeatable interview process can lead to long-term benefits in efficiency and candidate quality.
  • Growing the talent team and having a scalable process helps to ensure that the company can continue to grow and scale.
  • Having a dedicated talent partner can help to coordinate and streamline the hiring process.
  • Creating a repeatable interview process can help to standardize the way candidates are evaluated.
  • Having a clear and well-understood rubric for each interview helps to ensure consistency and fairness.
  • Investing time in creating a repeatable interview process can lead to improved candidate experience and better hiring outcomes.
  • Having a talent team that understands the company culture and values can help to identify candidates who are a good fit.
  • Investing time in creating a repeatable interview process can lead to improved efficiency and reduced stress for hiring managers.
  • Having a repeatable interview process can help to ensure that candidates are evaluated fairly and consistently.
  • Partnering up with experienced engineers to interview candidates helps to accelerate the process and ensures that candidates are being evaluated fairly.
  • Having a clear and well-understood rubric for each interview helps to ensure consistency and fairness.
  • Having a talent team that understands the company culture and values can help to identify candidates who are a good fit.
  • Investing time in creating a repeatable interview process can lead to improved candidate experience and better hiring outcomes.