What does a 'modern' DevOps culture actually look like?

Learn how modern DevOps culture goes beyond tools to create lasting success through trust, automation, platform engineering, and focused ownership of what matters most.

Key takeaways
  • DevOps culture requires trust, psychological safety, and collaboration between development and operations teams rather than treating them as separate entities

  • Modern DevOps emphasizes managing both infrastructure costs and human time/effort - organizations need to reduce complexity and focus on delivering business value rather than maintaining complex custom solutions

  • Performance optimization should be integrated early through automated testing, metrics, and feedback loops that shift left to catch issues before production

  • Platform engineering enables teams to maintain DevOps practices at scale by providing standardized internal platforms and abstracting away common complexity

  • Success metrics should include both throughput (deployment frequency, lead time) and stability (change failure rate, time to recovery) - the DORA metrics provide a good framework

  • Organizations should focus on building/owning what makes them unique and leverage existing platforms/tools for common needs rather than reinventing everything

  • Visibility and accessibility of metrics, testing, and monitoring helps build trust between teams and enables data-driven decisions

  • Cultural transformation requires starting small, focusing on high-impact changes, and gradually building trust rather than trying to change everything at once

  • Fast feedback loops and automated testing/deployment help teams catch issues early and maintain quality while moving quickly

  • Clear ownership and accountability for production systems is critical, with teams having the authority and capability to manage what they deploy