DPC2022: Scaling: from 0 to 20 million users

"Scaling solutions for high-traffic applications, from tackling performance issues to leveraging hybrid cloud, caching, and content delivery networks to optimize user experience."

Key takeaways

Don’t bother optimizing prematurely, until necessary

  • Only optimize when experiencing problems
  • Start with simple solutions, like increasing cache and testing
  • Validate performance before making changes

Use a hybrid cloud approach

  • Combine on-premise and cloud infrastructure for flexibility and scalability
  • This allows for controlled costs and optimal resource utilization

Avoid inefficient data storage

  • Use a document-based database like MongoDB for high-traffic applications
  • Consider data consistency and versioning when using document-based databases
  • Avoid improper data retrieval and modeling

Leverage caching and content delivery networks

  • Use a caching layer to reduce load on back-end servers
  • Implement a content delivery network (CDN) to distribute cached content
  • Use edge computing for faster response times

Optimize for mobile users

  • Consider user location and latency when optimizing for mobile users
  • Use a data center closest to the user for better performance
  • Optimize for different networks and devices

Monitor and analyze performance

  • Use monitoring tools to identify performance bottlenecks
  • Analyze logs and metrics to optimize performance
  • Use caching and content delivery networks to reduce traffic to back-end servers