Rust & Zig Combined • Richard Feldman • GOTO 2023

Learn how to combine the safety of Rust with the simplicity of Zig to achieve the best of both worlds in programming languages, discusses trade-offs and optimizations for performance and memory safety.

Key takeaways
  • Rust and Zig combined can offer a balance between safety and performance.
  • Rust’s strong guarantees around memory safety are valuable, but its complexity and learning curve can be a barrier.
  • Zig’s simplicity and ease of use make it a more accessible option, but it lacks Rust’s guarantees.
  • Combining Rust and Zig can allow for the best of both worlds: Rust’s safety guarantees and Zig’s simplicity.
  • Manual LLVM calls can be verbose and error-prone, making it difficult to achieve high-level abstractions.
  • The unsafe keyword in Rust can introduce memory unsafety, but it’s not a guarantee of unsafety.
  • Memory safety is a critical concern, and languages like Rust and Zig are addressing it through various mechanisms.
  • The author’s experience with Rust and Zig suggests that a combined approach can be beneficial.
  • The trade-offs between safety, performance, and complexity should be carefully considered when choosing a programming language.
  • Rust’s borrow checker and lifetime annotations can be helpful in ensuring memory safety.
  • Zig’s testing allocator can help detect and prevent memory unsafety.
  • The author’s experience with memory unsafety bugs in C-style code highlights the importance of language design in preventing such issues.
  • Arena allocation and CPU memory caches can be important considerations in optimizing performance.
  • The defer keyword in Rust can help ensure that resources are released correctly.
  • The author’s journey with programming began with basic languages like JavaScript and eventually led to Rust and Zig.
  • The author’s experience with concurrency and parallelism in Rust and Zig suggests that these languages can be well-suited for high-performance applications.
  • The author’s use of LLVM to compile Rust and Zig code highlights the importance of optimizing performance.
  • The author’s discussion of the trade-offs between safety, performance, and complexity suggests that there is no one-size-fits-all solution.