Back to the future - how we integrated a 40 year old software system by Lukas Pradel

Integrate legacy software systems with caution and clarity, avoiding replica APIs and leveraging the right tools and expertise to ensure a smooth and scalable migration.

Key takeaways
  • Don’t underestimate the complexity of integrating legacy software systems.
  • Pay attention to the details, as even small issues can lead to significant problems.
  • Focus on understanding the legacy system, including its functionality and architecture.
  • Use a clear and straightforward approach to integration, avoiding replicas of the legacy system’s API.
  • Choose the right tools for the job, considering factors like timeouts, caching, and service mesh.
  • Recognize the limitations of the legacy system, including performance and scalability issues.
  • Consider future-proofing the new system by planning for potential updates and changes.
  • Don’t underestimate the importance of naming conventions and cache invalidation.
  • Integrate the legacy system slowly and iteratively, testing each step carefully.
  • Be prepared for unexpected issues and plan for contingencies.
  • Don’t assume that technology will last forever; anticipate the need for updates and replacements.
  • Make sure to document the integration process and keep the knowledge up-to-date.
  • Encourage communication and collaboration between teams working on different aspects of the integration.
  • Avoid treating legacy systems as black boxes, and instead seek to understand their internal workings.
  • Use architecture decision records to document decisions and reasoning.
  • Be patient and persistent when integrating legacy software systems, as it may take time to overcome challenges.