Women in technology - TD Bank

TD Bank shares its commitment to fostering a culture of inclusion and diversity, emphasizing empathy, understanding, and intentional actions to empower women in technology and create a more diverse and inclusive tomorrow.

Key takeaways
  • Empathy and understanding are crucial for unlocking diversity and inclusion
  • TD Bank’s commitment to fostering a culture without barriers is essential for reaching the bank’s goals
  • Sponsorship and mentorship are vital for the advancement of women in technology
  • The COVID-19 pandemic has accelerated the changes that needed to be made, and we must be agile and responsive to our customers’ needs
  • Inclusion and diversity are essential for innovation, flexibility, and sustainability
  • Human connection is critical for building trust and collaboration among colleagues
  • Racism and anti-blackness are still prevalent, and we must have zero tolerance for racism
  • Intentional actions and bold steps are necessary for progress
  • Women’s perspectives and experiences are valuable and should be considered when making decisions
  • The importance of land acknowledgments and recognizing the traditional territories we operate on cannot be overstated
  • Companies must prioritize their employees’ well-being, particularly during challenging times
  • The future belongs to those who are empowered to take risks and challenge the status quo
  • The Women in Technology Committee and other initiatives are vital for creating a more inclusive tomorrow
  • Fostering a culture of inclusion and diversity requires commitment and effort from everyone in the organization
  • TD Bank’s commitment to protecting its employees and customers, as well as its community, is paramount
  • Personal integrity, empathy, and understanding are essential for building strong relationships with colleagues and customers
  • The voices and experiences of underrepresented communities must be amplified and valued
  • The bank’s goal of creating a more diverse and inclusive culture will require intentional actions and commitments from all levels of the organization.