"Hedy: A Gradual programming language" by Felienne Hermans (Strange Loop 2022)

Discover Hedy, a groundbreaking gradual programming language designed for children, featuring 31 languages, easy-to-understand error messages, and practical applications that make learning programming fun and accessible.

Key takeaways
  • Gradual Programming Language: Hedy is designed as a gradual programming language for children, trying to eliminate the need for programming experience and making it more accessible.
  • Multi-language Support: Hedy supports 31 different languages, including Arabic, Spanish, German, and Italian, making it more inclusive and accessible globally.
  • Error Messages: Hedy’s error messages are designed to be easy to understand and provide visual feedback, helping children learn from their mistakes.
  • Levels: Hedy has multiple levels, starting from basic commands and gradually introducing more complex concepts, allowing children to learn and progress at their own pace.
  • Customization: The interface can be customized to fit individual needs, allowing teachers to tailor the experience for their students.
  • Localizing Content: The content can be localized to fit different languages and cultures, making it more relatable and engaging for children.
  • Real-Life Applications: Hedy is designed to be used in real-life scenarios, such as creating a simple game or controlling a robot.
  • Error Messages in Native Language: Hedy provides error messages in the native language of the child, making it easier for them to understand and learn from their mistakes.
  • No Prior Programming Experience Required: Hedy is designed to be used by children with no prior programming experience, making it more accessible and inclusive.
  • Community Support: The Hedy community is actively involved in translating and expanding the language, ensuring it remains accessible and relevant to a global audience.
  • Ph.D. Debate: The speaker discusses the idea of a debate between Ph.D. holders and non-Ph.D. holders, stating that non-Ph.D. holders can also contribute valuable insights and knowledge.
  • Error Messages in Diverse Languages: Hedy’s error messages are available in diverse languages, making it more inclusive and reaching a broader audience.
  • Practical Applications: The speaker highlights the importance of practical applications, such as creating a turtle that repeats a child’s name, making the learning process more engaging and fun.
  • UI Customization: The interface can be customized to fit individual needs, allowing teachers to tailor the experience for their students.
  • Hedy’s Purpose: Hedy is built to be used in education, providing a platform for children to learn programming concepts and skills.