Kleiner Perkins Chairman John Doerr and Congressman Ro Khanna | Full Interview | Code 2022

US government and private sector must collaborate to accelerate clean energy transition, investing in innovation and technology to address climate crisis and ensure a sustainable future.

Key takeaways
  • The US government needs to urgently invest in the clean tech sector and provide incentives for private companies to make transitions to clean energy sources.
  • Policymakers must take action, and the private sector needs to have the confidence that they won’t be penalized for making costly investments in clean energy.
  • Without strong government leadership, the economic and environmental benefits of clean tech solutions may not be achieved.
  • Climate crisis is a symptom, not the root problem, and it requires addressing de-industrialization, economic injustice, and access to education.
  • We need public finance, project finance, and corporate finance to support clean tech innovators.
  • Policymaking should focus on addressing the existential crisis of climate change.
  • To change the conversation, we need to show citizens the benefits of clean energy, not just the risks.
  • A call for patriotism and a message of “nothing less than victory” from government leaders can be an effective driver for change.
  • Innovation, science, and technology will play significant roles in addressing the climate crisis.
  • Policy needs to create an urgency around climate change to inspire companies and individuals to take action.
  • Education needs to be a part of the effort to address climate change.
  • Inertia is a major barrier to progress and policymakers need to lead the charge, creating a sense of urgency around solving the climate crisis.
  • There may not be a simple, straightforward policy solution, but progress will need to be made.
  • John Doerr notes that people usually respond to a crisis when someone else is hit, so those in power must show awareness of the crisis to motivate individual action.
  • Some industries don’t believe they’ll thrive under a clean tech future without strong government leadership and policy supporting them.
  • Private sector, including venture capital and accelerators, also has a crucial role in supporting entrepreneurship and innovation in clean tech.
  • Leadership, policy, and individual efforts are all necessary for progress and overcoming the barriers to scaling clean tech.
  • To reduce carbon emissions, government, consumers, and companies need to invest in technologies that have already become more cost-effective than traditional methods.


  • The next 200 years are crucial in solving climate crisis.
  • The US can learn from European countries and countries like France that have made strong progress in addressing the climate crisis.
  • Private companies in the US are working to address their net zero commitments and there is global progress on this issue.
  • Companies not pricing climate risk into their business are unwise.
  • It is possible and necessary to make personal sacrifices today for a sustainable future.