Kat Gaines - Mastering incident communication

Mastering incident communication requires a structured approach, clear language, and proactive updates.

Key takeaways
  • Incident communication mastery starts with laying a foundation of process and structure
  • Establish clear language and terminology throughout the organization
  • Include support teams in incident response and status updates
  • Focus on cascading updates to internal stakeholders and customers
  • Define severity levels and incident classification system
  • Use templates for standard incident communication messages
  • Automate status page updates and integrate with existing tools
  • Prioritize transparency and proactive communication with customers
  • Set clear expectations for updates and follow-up information
  • Clarify roles and responsibilities for incident commanders and subject matter experts
  • Focus on educating customers about incident resolution and recovery
  • Emphasize the importance of consistent incident narrative and defined terminology
  • Encourage internal feedback and refinement of incident communication processes