The science & art of scaling pilots into a global IT organization - a technologists view

Scaling a global IT organization requires prioritizing people, skills, and collaboration through a single flat team with a common development stack, democratic process, and liquid resource pool.

Key takeaways
  • People are the most critical asset in a global IT organization
  • Build a single global product team with people from various countries, not multiple teams in different regions
  • Create a flat team structure with no individual spaces or hierarchies
  • Prioritize skills early, especially in IT, as deep IT skills are essential for scaling and innovation
  • Invest in a common development stack and standardize on languages and tools
  • Use this development stack to transform the organization
  • Implement a democratic and open process, allowing everyone to contribute and innovate
  • Run a migration program to scale innovation globally
  • Ensure that the product team has the necessary technical depth to scale up or down as needed
  • Strive to build a liquid resource pool with a global talent pool
  • Recognize that scaling IT globally is a significant challenge and requires careful planning and governance
  • Prioritize people over technology and process in order to achieve success