Can Germany be a technology leader in AI? | Panel | Rise of AI Conference 2023


Germany's AI potential: talent, data, and need for responsible framework setting standards for explainability, auditability and human oversight.

Key takeaways
  • Germany still needs to develop its AI capabilities, but the country has the talent and data to excel.
  • The AI Act should set a framework for the responsible development of AI, including standards for explainability, auditability, and human oversight.
  • Regulation should be flexible and allow for innovation, with a focus on trust, transparency, and control.
  • Europe needs to provide tooling standards, frameworks for rapid development, and a strong ecosystem to support AI innovation.
  • Germany’s AI capabilities are hindered by the lack of investment and the threat of over-regulation.
  • The country needs to adopt a more pragmatic and forward-thinking approach to AI, focusing on empowerment rather than restriction.
  • Europe should aim to develop a strong AI brand, promoting trustworthy and ethical AI made in Europe.
  • The AI Act should prioritize human oversight and provide for the safe development of AI systems.
  • The EU should provide funding and support for AI development, research, and innovation.
  • Germany needs to focus on its unique strengths and areas of expertise to develop its AI capabilities.
  • The AI Act should promote cooperation between government, industry, and civil society to ensure the responsible development of AI.