Javascript Should Come With Batteries - Luca Casonato, React Day Berlin 2023

Explore how Deno, a next-generation JavaScript runtime, revolutionizes the development process by providing batteries-included features, eliminating the need for separate tooling and configuration.

Key takeaways
  • JavaScript should come with batteries, removing the need for separate installation and configuration of tools like Node.js.
  • Deno is a next-generation JavaScript runtime that is simple to get started with, no installation of Node.js or other tools required.
  • Deno has built-in support for TypeScript, JSX, and ESM, making it a viable alternative to Node.js.
  • Deno’s philosophy is that tools should be built into the runtime, eliminating the need for separate configuration and setup.
  • The current state of JavaScript and Node.js, with its complex tooling and configuration requirements, is not user-friendly.
  • Alternative runtimes like Go and Rust have made it possible to achieve simplicity and ease of use in programming.
  • Deno’s goal is to make it easy for developers to build and deploy server-side JavaScript applications, reducing the need for complexity and configuration.
  • Deno has a formatting, linting, and testing system built-in, making it a complete development environment.
  • Deno’s KV database is a persistent, globally distributed database that can be used for storing data.
  • Deno’s support for web APIs and web standards makes it suitable for building serverless applications and edge computing.
  • Deno’s DeployCTL tool allows for easy deployment of applications to the cloud.
  • Deno’s جامعه like formatting, linting, and testing come out of the box, simplifying the development process.