R3ACT: A Frightening Look At Performance Figures - Henri Helvetica, React Summit US 2023

Discover the alarming truth about React performance figures, including shocking statistics on blocking time, JavaScript size, and page load times, and learn how to improve user experience and interactivity on mobile devices.

Key takeaways
  • 37.7% of React sites have good performance metrics
  • JavaScript tends to influence total blocking time and poor performance
  • 96% of sites pass the Core Web Vitals report, with React passing at 47.4%
  • Modern web performance is influenced by mobile devices, with 67% of sites having more mobile traffic than desktop
  • It takes an average of 8.5 seconds for a page to load on mobile devices
  • There is a need to improve user experience and performance, with focus on modern metrics
  • Interactivity is a key metric, with the web having good interactivity at a rate of 59%
  • React sites are shipping large amounts of JavaScript, with the average site shipping 560kb of JavaScript
  • The web is not doing well on mobile devices, with 80% increment in page load time on mobile compared to desktop
  • React sites need to be monitored for performance, as they are not doing well compared to the web