C++ in the Developing World: Why it Matters - Mathew Benson - CppCon 2023

Learning C++ can bridge the gap in computing skills for people in developing worlds with limited resources, older hardware, and power constraints.

Key takeaways
  • Learning C++ is important for the developing world where resources are limited and hardware is older.
  • C++ is a language that has evolved over time, and its design makes it a good fit for older hardware.
  • The cost of computing is a major factor in the developing world, and C++ can help lower that cost.
  • Older hardware is still useful and can be used with C++.
  • The developing world is not just a country or region, but rather a scenario where resources are limited.
  • C++ is a language that can be used to access older hardware and make it efficient.
  • The terminal is a good starting point for learning C++.
  • C++ is a language that can be used to teach programming to more people in the developing world.
  • The developing world is a place where computers and programming are not as prevalent, and C++ can help bridge that gap.
  • C++ is a language that can be used to make code efficient for older hardware.
  • The developing world is a place where power and connectivity are limited, and C++ can help make computing more accessible.
  • C++ is a language that is good for resource-constrained systems.
  • C++ is a language that can be used to make software more efficient and accessible to people in the developing world.
  • The developing world is a place where people have different skills and abilities, and C++ can help provide a common language for programming.
  • C++ is a language that can be used to make computing more accessible to people with disabilities.
  • The developing world is a place where people have limited access to resources, and C++ can help make computing more accessible.
  • C++ is a language that can be used to make code more efficient and accessible to people in the developing world.
  • The developing world is a place where people have different levels of technical expertise, and C++ can help provide a common language for programming.
  • C++ is a language that can be used to make computing more accessible to people with limited technical expertise.