Full-Circle Testing With Cypress - Filip Hric, TestJS Summit 2022

Discover the full potential of Cypress for testing and explore its features, including integration, end-to-end testing, API calls, network requests, and more, at the TestJS Summit 2022 with Filip Hric.

Key takeaways
  • Cypress enables testing at multiple levels, including API calls, network requests, and end-to-end interactions.
  • Cypress can be used for unit testing, integration testing, and end-to-end testing.
  • Cypress provides direct access to the browser, allowing for deep integration with the application and inspection of internal state.
  • Cypress supports APIs, allowing for requests and responses to be tested.
  • Cypress enables the use of intercept to observe and modify network requests.
  • Cypress supports app actions, allowing for application logic to be tested.
  • Cypress supports cy-request, allowing for simple requests and responses to be tested.
  • Cypress supports component testing, allowing for rendering and testing of individual components.
  • Cypress supports timeline, allowing for investigation of application behavior and API calls.
  • Cypress provides a simple syntax and supports testing of small, focused parts of the application.