Twitter Space | Testing: unit (testing-library/react) and end-to-end/integration

Testing in React Apps: Prioritizing Critical Functionality and Use Cases, Plus Automation and AI

Key takeaways
  • It’s okay to not write tests for everything, focusing on crucial functionality and use cases is more important than code coverage.
  • Regression tests become more valuable as the codebase grows and becomes more complex.
  • Automation is key, but it’s also important to manually test critical parts of the application.
  • AI can be a helpful tool for testing, but it’s not a replacement for human judgment.
  • Testing is not just about checking that the code works, but also about ensuring that it meets the business requirements.
  • It’s important to prioritize testing based on the business goals and the value it brings.
  • Use case coverage is more important than code coverage, and testing should focus on the most critical parts of the application.
  • Automation can be used to reduce the time it takes to run tests, making it more efficient.
  • Manual testing is still necessary for critical parts of the application.
  • AI can help with test maintenance and repair, but it’s not a replacement for human testers.
  • The testing pyramid is still relevant, with unit tests at the base, integrations in the middle, and UI tests at the top.
  • However, testing strategies should adapt to the specific needs of the application and industry.
  • Testing should be a continuous process, with automated tests running regularly to catch regressions.
  • Manual testing can be manual or automated, and the approach should be chosen based on the specific needs of the application.
  • It’s important to balance the need for testing with the need for development speed and agility.