Increase your productivity on personal projects with comprehensive docs and automated tests - DCUS

"Boost productivity on personal projects with comprehensive documentation and automated testing. Learn the author's strategies for staying motivated, overcoming guilt, and managing multiple projects."

Key takeaways
  • Automated testing is crucial for personal projects, especially if you have many releases like the author.
  • Having a comprehensive documentation helps to avoid guilt and allows you to tackle multiple projects at once.
  • The author’s model is based on the “perfect commit”, which should include a test, implementation, and documentation.
  • Issues are a good way to document temporal changes and can serve as a form of documentation.
  • Writing down decisions and thoughts while working on a project helps to clarify thoughts and avoid re-debating the same arguments.
  • The author uses GitHub issues to organize and track his projects, and has developed a system for automatically generating documentation and tests.
  • Having a blog or writing about projects publicly helps to overcome guilt and can make it easier to come back to a project later.
  • Automated testing and documentation can help to reduce the mental burden of working on multiple projects.
  • The author uses a “cookie cutter” template to generate documentation and tests for his projects.
  • Writing about projects publicly helps to take the pressure off of having to maintain everything perfectly.
  • The author’s system helps him to stay productive and motivated by breaking down his projects into smaller, manageable units.
  • Having a single view of all your projects and issues can be very helpful for getting a sense of what’s going on.
  • Writing down notes and thoughts while working on a project helps to clarify them and avoid forgetting important details later.
  • Using GitHub issues to track changes and decisions helps to provide a clear record of what happened and why.
  • Having a plan and structure for your projects can help to reduce overwhelm and make it easier to stay productive.
  • Writing about projects publicly can help to increase visibility and attract collaborators or feedback.