Load Testing Crash Course with Gatling by Stéphane Landelle

Get a comprehensive introduction to load testing with Gatling, covering essential concepts, best practices, and tool selection criteria for effective performance testing and optimization.

Key takeaways
  • Load tests should reproduce typical production conditions and not just behave like a single user.
  • Choosing the right system model is important for load testing, whether it’s an open or closed model.
  • Gatling is a good tool for load testing, supporting HTTP/1.1 and HTTP/2, and providing feedback through a live dashboard.
  • Virtual users should not share connection pools, as this can lead to poor resource utilization and performance issues.
  • To simulate realistic traffic, use actual user agents and mimic their behavior.
  • When choosing a load test tool, consider whether you need integration with CI/CD tools, support for multiple protocols, and ease of use.
  • Don’t use averages when analyzing response times, as they can be misleading. Instead, use percentiles and distributions to understand the distribution of response times.
  • When designing a test scenario, consider the resource utilization and network impact of concurrent users.
  • Don’t assume that a cloud provider will automatically fix performance issues; instead, use load testing to uncover problems and make informed decisions about infrastructure scaling.
  • When integrating load tests into the development lifecycle, consider running tests throughout the development process, not just pre-deployment.
  • When selecting a load test framework, consider whether it supports Java, has a large community, and provides a user-friendly API.
  • Don’t assume that a single test scenario will cover all possible user interactions; instead, create multiple scenarios that mimic real user behavior.
  • When analyzing test results, look for outliers and anomalies that can indicate performance issues or bottlenecks in the system.
  • When designing a test scenario, consider the type of users being simulated and the impact of their behavior on the system.
  • Don’t assume that a single test will cover all possible errors and edge cases; instead, use a combination of positive and negative tests to ensure thorough coverage.
  • When selecting a load test tool, consider whether it has a standalone bundle and can be run without a CI/CD tool.
  • When designing a test scenario, consider the system’s scalability and how it will respond to increasing loads.
  • When choosing a load test tool, consider whether it provides real-time feedback and displays the performance metrics in a clear and understandable way.