Shivay Lamba - WebAssembly beyond the browser - JSWORLD 2023

Discover the untapped potential of WebAssembly beyond the browser, exploring its benefits, use cases, and ecosystem for efficient runtime environments, language agnostic compilation, and high-performance functions.

Key takeaways
  • WebAssembly (WASM) can be used outside the browser, providing benefits of portability, security, and performance.
  • WASM can be used with Node.js, allowing for efficient runtime environment and language agnostic compilation.
  • Rust programming language can be used to generate high-performance functions that can be compiled to WASM bytecode.
  • WebAssembly runtime environments, such as wasm-x, provide portability and safety features.
  • WASM can be used for serverless computing, allowing for fast and efficient execution of functions.
  • Use cases include running machine learning models, performing image classification, and running high-performance functions.
  • WebAssembly can be used with other programming languages, such as C++ and Haskell, to generate efficient and portable code.
  • The ecosystem for WebAssembly is growing, with platforms like Vercel and wasm cloud providing support for deployment and execution of WASM code.
  • Rust can be used to compile functions that can be run in a Node.js environment, allowing for a safe and efficient runtime environment.
  • WebAssembly can be used to empower Node.js, providing performance benefits and runtime safety.
  • Startups like MilliSearch and advocacy groups like Wasm Edge are promoting the use of WebAssembly in serverless computing and beyond.
  • WebAssembly can be used to create serverless microservices based on WebAssembly, providing a way to run high-performance functions in a cloud-based environment.
  • C++ and Rust code can be converted to WASM bytecode using tools like Emscripten and RustWasm, allowing for efficient and portable code generation.
  • WASM can be used to create APIs and web applications, providing a way to run high-performance functions in a web-based environment.