Test Software On Emulated Hardware In Containers... In The Cloud

Test software on emulated hardware in containers, in the cloud, using QEMU and novnc. Learn how to build an efficient containerized CI system with automatic deployment, and integrate with CI/CD pipeline, simplifying software development and testing.

Key takeaways
  • Test software on emulated hardware in containers, in the cloud.
  • Uses QEMU and novnc.
  • Containerized CI system with automatic deployment.
  • Trying to centralize information, avoiding federated decentralized system with multiple servers.
  • Legacy machines: quad-core, special graphics cards, I2C sensors.
  • Hardware variety, simulation difficult without actual devices.
  • Trying to automate updates in the field.
  • Integration with CI/CD pipeline in the project.
  • Buildroot, a software framework, is used to build operating system.
  • Devices have different interfaces, protocols and formats.
  • The speaker describes his workflow, focusing on build the architecture and testing software, explaining how the tools are used in order to develop the software, what are the limitations and the advantages using the tools and methods.
  • Novnc allows viewing the boot process.
  • Dockerizing the process provides scalability.
  • The company develops software for the train industry and want to test software on emulated hardware in containers in the cloud.