2017 Google Networking Research Summit Keynote Talks

Learn how Google is redefining network infrastructure with a focus on reliability, manageability, and velocity, contrasting traditional separation of operator and developer, and introducing a workflow engine, automation, and telemetry.

Key takeaways
  • The speaker emphasizes the importance of reliability, manageability, and velocity in network infrastructure.
  • The company has been working on solving the problem of management reliability, and has made significant progress in the past few years.
  • The speaker suggests that the traditional separation between operator and developer is becoming less relevant, and that developers are increasingly interested in managing their own infrastructure.
  • The company has developed a workflow engine that interacts with network systems, and has published a paper on the topic.
  • The speaker mentions that the company has been building a massive network, with tens of thousands of network elements, and that managing this scale is a significant challenge.
  • The company is focusing on developing a more agile scale, where the network can be managed and evolved quickly and easily.
  • The speaker suggests that the company’s network architecture is designed to be highly available, with multiple layers of redundancy and failover capabilities.
  • The company is also working on developing a more automated network management system, where policies are defined and enforced through a set of APIs.
  • The speaker emphasizes the importance of telemetry and monitoring in understanding the behavior of the network and identifying potential issues.
  • The company is also working on developing a more scalable and efficient network, with a focus on reducing latency and improving throughput.
  • The speaker suggests that the company’s network infrastructure is designed to be highly available, with multiple layers of redundancy and failover capabilities.
  • The company is also working on developing a more automated network management system, where policies are defined and enforced through a set of APIs.
  • The speaker emphasizes the importance of collaboration and communication between different teams and stakeholders in developing the network infrastructure.
  • The company is also working on developing a more scalable and efficient network, with a focus on reducing latency and improving throughput.