Your Tests Lack Vision: Adding Eyes to your Automation Framework

Discover how adding visual validation to your automation framework can catch subtle bugs and ensure comprehensive coverage, using Aplitudes' AI-powered API, Eyes, to detect patterns and automate testing.

Key takeaways
  • The industry’s current testing technique is flawed, relying on querying the DOM, which misses functionality.
  • Automating tests without visual validation can lead to situations where users are unaware of subtle bugs.
  • Intentional blindness is a common issue, where humans miss things due to focus on specific tasks.
  • Aplitudes’ AI-powered API, Eyes, can detect visual bugs and automates visual testing.
  • Visual testing can be integrated with functional testing to ensure comprehensive coverage.
  • Companies like Google, Facebook, and Amazon have experienced visual bugs, highlighting the need for professional visual testing.
  • The API uses machine learning to detect patterns in pages, making it quick and efficient.
  • The API can handle dynamic content, viewports, and configurations.
  • Targeting specific regions within a page can be achieved using CSS selectors.
  • Validation can be automated, allowing for fast and reliable testing.
  • Visual testing is not new, but Aplitudes’ API has improved its effectiveness and efficiency.
  • The API can detect subtle bugs, like overlapping text or unaligned labels.
  • Visual testing can help catch bugs that would otherwise be missed, improving the overall testing process.
  • The API can be used with popular testing frameworks like Cypress, Selenium, and Applitools.
  • The API’s results can be used to identify and prioritize bugs, streamlining the testing process.