Once upon a load test in real time | Stéphane Hulard

Discover the importance of real-time testing with WebSocket and load testing, and learn how to validate application behavior under heavy load using open-source tool RTRE and examples from Artillery.

Key takeaways
  • Key concepts include load testing, WebSocket protocol, and RTRE (Real-time testing tool).
  • Load testing is about simulating multiple users accessing the application to validate performance and behavior.
  • WebSocket is a protocol for bi-directional communication between the client and server.
  • RTRE is an open-source testing tool that can be used in any project. It’s simple to use and allows for real-time testing.
  • The speaker used Artillery as an example of a tool that can be used for load testing, and demonstrated creating a simple WebSocket test.
  • The speaker emphasized the importance of validating the behavior of an application under heavy load, and that load testing is not just about verifying that the application works correctly.
  • The speaker also stressed the difference between HTTP and WebSocket protocols, and that they require different approaches to testing.
  • Other tools mentioned included Apache Bench and CL.
  • The speaker demonstrated creating a processor to use with RTRE, and using it to generate random user data for testing.
  • The speaker encouraged attendees to ask questions and explore the topic further.
  • The speaker also emphasized the importance of defining variables and scenarios for testing, and that these should be documented well.
  • There were several mentions throughout the presentation about the limitations of RTRE, including the fact that it’s not suitable for testing very complex scenarios.