Php conference talks

Getting Started with PHP-FFI | Thomas Bley

Optimizing nginx and PHP-FPM – from Beginner to Expert to Crazy | Arne Blankerts

DPC2022: Building Recommender System in PHP8

PHPUnit 10: Why It’s Delayed, What It Brings | Sebastian Bergmann

What's New in PHP 8.1 - Derick Rethans - PHP UK 2022

DPC2020: My Top 10 PHPUnit Tips & Tricks - Juliette Reinders Folmer

Tuning PHPStan to Maximum Strictness - Ondřej Mirtes

DPC2019: Interface Segregation for PHP - Dan Ackroyd

How to get ready for PHP 8 | Sebastian Bergmann

Growing the PHP Core – One Test at a Time | Florian Engelhardt

Extending the PHP Language with Static Analysis- Dave Liddament

Aggressive PHP Quality Assurance in 2019 | Marco Pivetta

DPC2020: What's new in PHP 7.4, and coming up in PHP 8 - Derick Rethans

Building Recommender System in PHP8 | Mihailo Joksimovic

DPC2023: How to eat an ElePHPant: How to modernize your legacy PHP Applications

DPC2020: Top 10 PHP coding traps - Damien Seguy

Bye bye drupalisms! Propelling Drupal into a modern PHP ecosystem - Marine Gandy

Going serverless with PHP and - Mike Lehan - PHP UK 2022

PHP Fibers - Milko Kosturkov - PHP UK 2022

Hop on the PHP Blockchain rocket to the MOON! - Drishti Jain - PHP UK 2022

Container-native without k8s: PHP in ECS on AWS - Ian Littman - PHP UK 2022

DPC2023: Making PHP Smarter: Introducing AI into PHP Applications

Creating PHP extensions easily with C++ - Carlos Granados

PHP UK 2023 - Track 3 (King Vault)

Your first PHP extension - Christian Rades

How to contribute to PHP - Gina Banyard

Serverless PHP: how does it really work? - Matthieu Napoli


The New PHP Foundation: What Impact does it have? - Sebastian Bergmann, Robert Lemke, Roman Pronskiy

Getting started with PHP on AWS Lambda | Thomas Bley

Building desktop apps with PHP - Marcel Pociot

PHP's type system dissected? - George Peter Banyard

DPC2020: Serverless PHP applications with Bref - Matthieu Napoli

DPC2019: Crazy Fun Experiments with PHP (Not for Production) - Zan Baldwin

PHP Fibers | Tomasz Turkowski

DPC2019: Refactoring Huge Legacy PHP Applications - From 100 hours to minutes - Tomáš Votruba

PHP UK 2023 - Porter Tun (Day 2)

Where No PHP Has Gone Before - David Flanagan

Daemons with PHP: Should you really do that? | Arne Blankerts

In Defence of PHP - Stephen Rees-Carter - NDC Security 2023

DPC2021: PHP Enums - Ayesh Karunaratne

What's New in PHP 8.1 and 8.2 - Derick Rethans

Rust For PHP Developers - Nuno Maduro

PHP on Lambda with Custom Runtimes - Ian Littman

Asynchronous PHP | Florian Engelhardt

What's New in PHP 8.3 - Derick Rethans

PHP UK 2023 - King Vault (Day 2)

Die zukünftige Bedeutung von PHP | Marcel Normann

What's new in PHP 8.3. Derick Rethans

Asynchronous PHP In Examples #slideless | Denys Bulakh

DPC2021: Securing PHP APIs with Decentralised Identity Tokens - Mohammad Shahbaz Alam

Crafting a greener future with PHP - Michelle Sanver

Build your own Neural Network – with PHP! | Vitor Brandao

Optimizing Page Experience in PHP | Alain Schlesser

Never stop learning, how curiosity and cross pollination drives innovation-Pauline Vos - PHP UK 2022

Testing Hack with Hammock - Riya Dashoriya - PHP UK 2020

The Best of strong Typing for PHP | Damien Seguy

PHP UK 2023 - Porter Tun

Reduce boilerplate code with PHP 8 | Carsten Windler

PHP UK 2023 - Queen Charlotte

Make me a JS Object Model - Milko Kosturkov - PHP UK 2022

DPC2019: PSR-14: A major PHP Event - Larry Garfield

DPC2019: Automatic Web Page Optimisation in Pure PHP - Albert Peschar

How to really work as a team- from sleepy to strong pair programming - Stacy Cashmore - PHP UK 2022

Von Native PHP zu Laravel im Produktiveinsatz | Dominik Müller

PHP Module als Rundum-Sorglos-Pakete entwickeln | Ralf Eggert

PHP UK 2023 - Queen Charlotte (Day Two)

Levelling Up Your Web Scraping Game - Ian Littman - PHP UK 2022

DPC2019: Performant APIs with GraphQL and PHP - Andrew Rota

Technical scoping like a pro to build the right thing & be a superhero- Chandeep Khosa - PHP UK 2022

Do PHP Frameworks still make Sense? Let’s go Frameworkless to focus on the Domain!

Improve your API and OpenAPI - Rob Allen - PHP UK 2022

PHP UK 2023 - King Vault

Technically speaking: Improve Your Code With Documentation - Alexandra White - PHP UK 2022

Passwords are so 1990 - Sam Bellen - PHP UK 2022

Open Source is Good for Business - Lorna Jane Mitchell - PHP UK 2022

Managing from 1 to 1 million Kubernetes Clusters - Bastian Hofmann - PHP UK 2022

Messy data != Messy code - Michelle Sanver - PHP UK 2020

Fantastic functions and where to find them - Freek Van der Herten

New Feature: What the Fibers extension can do for you | Bohuslav Šimek

How much database abstraction do I need? - Alexander M. Turek

DPC2023: Generics aren’t coming

Dependency Injection for Mere Humans - Ian Littman

DPC2020: Improving Application Performance with ReactPHP - Sergey Zhuk

GraphQL for Non-JS Languages Panel Discussion, GraphQL Galaxy 2021

Monitoring Surveillance Vendors: A Deep Dive into In-the-Wild Android Full Chains in 2021

17 Years in the Life of ElePHPant | Damien Seguy

Avoid Costly Framework Upgrades | Anna Filina

Getting started with ReactPHP – Pushing Real-Time Data to the Browser | Christian Lück

Filesystem Management with Flysystem - Mark Niebergall

Low-level RASP: Protecting Applications Implemented in High-level Programming Languages

Vom Zend Framework zu Laminas | Ralf Eggert

Monad for dummies - Gina Peter Banyard

Frameworkless – The New Black? | Carsten Windler

DPC2019: Xdebug 3.0 - Derick Rethans

What is Performance Driven Development and why aren't you doing it? - James Seconde

DPC2019: Beyond design patterns and principles - writing good OO code - Matthias Noback

Elevating Legacy: A Case Study on the migration from Laravel 4 to 9 - Dave Liddament

When the sh** hits the fan, volume 2 -- Bigger, badder, now with Drupal 9 included

Application Security: Inside Out • Simon Corlett • GOTO 2023