Messy data != Messy code - Michelle Sanver - PHP UK 2020

Learn how to tackle complex data challenges by applying best practices, writing clean code, and leveraging solutions like Symfony Messenger and Masonry, to ensure maintainable and scalable software.

Key takeaways
  • Stop trying to solve complex data problems in your code. Instead, bring in a solution that can hack into the process and play with your config.
  • Make users specify what they want in the URL, which can help reduce messy data.
  • Instead of writing code for what you need now, refactor immediately when the requirements change.
  • Write dev docs so others can understand your code easily.
  • Ensure quality in your code, and use defensive programming techniques.
  • Learn to write clean, readable code and avoid shortcuts, which can be tempting when working with complex data.
  • Be prepared to refactor your code frequently.
  • Use tried and tested solutions, such as Symfony Messenger.
  • Keep your team informed and involve them in the decision-making process.
  • Data import processing can be slow and cumbersome, but solutions like Masonry can help.
  • When dealing with multiple data sources, it is important to handle different versions and payment.
  • Effective communication is key to success, especially when working with complex data.
  • Create a feedback culture in your team and communicate effectively.
  • Simplify your codebase by breaking it down into smaller components.
  • Learn from the experiences of others and share your own knowledge.
  • Keep up to date with new technologies and techniques.
  • Review your code regularly to ensure it remains maintainable and scalable.
  • Don’t confuse complexity with greatness - sometimes the simplest solutions are the most effective.
  • Consider using a serialiser to handle complex data.
  • Use caching to speed up data processing.
  • Be prepared to adapt to changes in your data sources and payment structures.