Efficiency vs Effectiveness in Agile • Aino Vonge Corry & Klaus Bucka-Lassen

Discover the significance of efficiency vs effectiveness in Agile, and how prioritizing the right tasks and outcomes can lead to a more successful and motivated team.

Key takeaways
  • Efficiency and effectiveness are often confused or used interchangeably, but they have distinct meanings. Efficiency is about doing things in the most optimal way, while effectiveness is about achieving the right outcomes.
  • Efficiency can lead to burnout and demotivation, as it focuses on quantity over quality. Effectiveness, on the other hand, is about prioritizing the most important tasks and outcomes.
  • Agile is about building the right product, not just building it efficiently. It’s about focusing on the product’s value and usability.
  • Mob programming is a technique that can increase efficiency, but it’s not always effective. It’s important to consider the team’s dynamics and motivations before implementing mob programming.
  • The key to a successful retrospective is to focus on the right topics and avoid unnecessary discussions. The facilitator should ensure that the team is discussing the most important issues and creating actionable items.
  • Effectiveness is about achieving the right outcomes, not just being efficient. It’s about taking responsibility for the product’s quality and user experience.
  • Scrum masters should focus on facilitating the team’s effectiveness, not just their efficiency. They should help the team prioritize the most important tasks and outcomes.
  • Agile is not just about doing things efficiently, but also about building the right product. It’s about focusing on the product’s value and usability.
  • Efficiency and effectiveness are not mutually exclusive. They can be achieved simultaneously by prioritizing the most important tasks and outcomes.
  • The retrospective is a tool for teams to reflect on their processes and identify areas for improvement. It’s a key component of Agile development.