We built this city... The geographies of software development - Naomi Gotts

Discover how software development can learn from urban planning and development, exploring the complex systems, interacting elements, and unique quirky aspects that shape the quality of life in a code base.

Key takeaways
  • We can learn from urban planning and development when it comes to determining the quality of life in a code base.
  • Cities are complex systems with many interacting elements, and software development is similar.
  • Code bases are like cities, with different areas and aspects that contribute to their overall quality.
  • Just as cities have their own unique character, code bases have their own personality and quirks.
  • The evolution of a code base is like the evolution of a city, with different eras and styles influencing its development.
  • Urban planners and developers must balance competing demands and constraints when designing a city or code base.
  • The quality of life in a code base is subjective and dependent on many factors, just like in a city.
  • We can use geographic concepts and tools to analyze and improve the quality of life in a code base.
  • The interactions between different elements in a code base are crucial to its overall quality and livability.
  • Just as cities have their own unique challenges and opportunities, code bases have their own challenges and opportunities for improvement.
  • The relationship between the code and the people who work with it is like the relationship between the city and its inhabitants.
  • We can learn from the way cities are designed and developed to improve the quality of life in our code bases.
  • The evolution of a code base is like the evolution of a city, with different eras and styles influencing its development.
  • Urban planners and developers must balance competing demands and constraints when designing a city or code base.
  • The quality of life in a code base is subjective and dependent on many factors, just like in a city.
  • We can use geographic concepts and tools to analyze and improve the quality of life in a code base.
  • The interactions between different elements in a code base are crucial to its overall quality and livability.
  • Just as cities have their own unique challenges and opportunities, code bases have their own challenges and opportunities for improvement.
  • The relationship between the code and the people who work with it is like the relationship between the city and its inhabitants.
  • We can learn from the way cities are designed and developed to improve the quality of life in our code bases.