Lies Developers Tell Themselves - Billy Hollis - NDC Porto 2023


Developers often tell themselves lies that hinder success. Learn how to overcome self-deceptions and create effective software that meets realistic goals.

Key takeaways
  • Don’t tell yourself lies about what you can accomplish in a short time.
  • Far too many developers think they need new AI technologies when they already have the key elements of innovation but struggle to apply them.
  • The “lies” developers tell themselves include overestimating their ability to complete tasks quickly, thinking they’re too small to make a difference, and using highly complex code instead of solving real problems.
  • Good design is not about aesthetics, but about creating a system that works well.
  • “Estimates don’t have to be overly precise, but good enough so that you know whether it will work” and “Don’t give in to arbitrary deadlines”.
  • Processes are important, but too many developers focus on them at the expense of the big picture.
  • Many developers struggle to estimate time needed for tasks, and some prefer to focus on the specific tasks over the long-term vision.
  • It’s essential to learn about the user and the domain to create software that people will use.
  • Automatic processes can save time and increase productivity.
  • It’s crucial to manage expectations and set realistic goals.
  • Honest and continuous communication is vital for successful software development.
  • Developers often create inefficient workflows because they don’t understand or care about the user.