Tutorials - Kevin Lacaille, Mansi Shah: Eroding Coastlines: A Geospatial & Computer Vision Analysis

Discover how to analyze coastal erosion using satellite imagery and Python with Kevin Lacaille and Mansi Shah's tutorial, covering Bangladesh's eroded coastlines and environmental impacts.

Key takeaways
  • The speakers discussed the analysis of coastal erosion using satellite imagery and Python.
  • The data used is from Planet, a satellite image provider, and covers the coast of Bangladesh.
  • The speakers showed how to use Python and satellite imagery to identify areas of coastal erosion and calculate the velocity of land loss over time.
  • The velocity of land loss was found to be increasing, but slowing down in recent years.
  • The speakers also discussed the importance of coastal erosion and its environmental impacts, such as loss of habitat quality and degradation of coral reefs.
  • The tutorial concluded with a demonstration of how to visualize the land loss over time and calculate the acceleration of land loss.