Kracekumar - Type Check your Django app

Learn how to type check your Django app using mypy, annotate your code, and improve code quality with this presentation on static type checking and gradual typing in Python.

Key takeaways
  • Type checkers in Python are tools that can report type-related errors and warnings in the code, making it easier to catch mistakes and improve code quality.
  • mypy is a popular static type checker for Python, which can analyze the code and report errors and warnings.
  • Annotated Django code can help mypy understand the types and work more effectively.
  • Use mypy to check the types in the code, and it will report errors and warnings.
  • To use mypy with Django, you need to install django-stubs package and configure mypy to use it.
  • In case if you don’t have any type hints in your code, you can use py-annotate to automatically add type hints.
  • Django models can be annotated to specify the types of the fields and methods.
  • mypy can be used to check the types of the queries and the result of the queries.
  • Gradual typing in Python is a new feature that allows us to specify the types of the code in a gradual manner.
  • To use gradual typing, you need to specify the types of the code using the typing module.
  • The reveal type function can be used to get the type of an object at runtime.
  • The annotate method can be used to add a new attribute to a model.
  • The DIN concept is used to specify the type of the code in a gradual manner.
  • The datetime module can be used to work with dates and times in Python.
  • The pytest plugin can be used to test the code.