Do PHP Frameworks still make Sense? Let’s go Frameworkless to focus on the Domain!


Explore the benefits of a frameworkless architecture and domain-driven design, focusing on understanding the problem domain and building a solution around it, rather than being limited by technology.

Key takeaways
  • Frameworkless architecture allows for increased decoupling and flexibility.
  • Domain-driven design (DDD) is a methodology that focuses on understanding the problem domain rather than just building a solution.
  • DDD can be split into strategic design and tactical design.
  • Strategic design defines the high-level rules and concepts, while tactical design applies those rules to code.
  • A good example of DDD in practice is the use of value objects, which are immutable and comparable.
  • Entities and aggregates are concepts in DDD that are used to represent complex domain concepts.
  • A repository is a pattern in DDD that separates the domain logic from the data storage.
  • The author suggests using small libraries and compounds to avoid dependencies.
  • He also suggests avoiding use of active record implementations of ORMs and instead using simple PHP objects.
  • The idea is to focus on the domain and not on the technology.
  • The author suggests using a framework to explain a framework-less approach.
  • The use of frameworks can be seen as a dependency and can make it difficult to update or change the code.
  • The author suggests using PHP frameworks as an example of how to improve communication and language.
  • The author also suggests that junior engineers can benefit from using PHP frameworks to learn how to build software.
  • The author’s favorite methodology is DDD.
  • The author wants to focus on the domain and not on the technology.