Our Adventure building a massively scalable mixed C++ and Rust remote compiler cloud - Damien Buhl

Join Damien Buhl as he shares his experience building a scalable mixed C++ and Rust remote compiler cloud, highlighting strategies for seamless integration, avoiding monoliths, and leveraging remote builds, caching, and optimization.

Key takeaways
  • Use Rust and C++ together seamlessly: Mix compile-time and runtime checks for faster and more secure code.
  • Avoid monoliths: Monoliths are not scalable and can become unwieldy. Instead, focus on microservices and isolate problems.
  • Use remote builds: Remote builds allow for faster and more secure builds, without compromising on safety.
  • Cache and optimize builds: Use caching and optimization to speed up builds and reduce the need for full rebuilds.
  • Choose the right tools: Use the right tools for the job, such as Auto CX6 for automatic code generation.
  • Define boundaries: Define clear boundaries for your API to ensure that it is correctly used and scaled.
  • Use C++ and Rust together: Use Rust and C++ together to leverage the strengths of each language.
  • Avoid unnecessary complexity: Avoid unnecessary complexity by minimizing the number of moving parts and focusing on simplicity.
  • Use type checking: Use type checking to catch errors early on and prevent issues at runtime.
  • Monitor and log: Monitor and log your code to catch issues early on and identify performance bottlenecks.
  • Don’t rewrite code unnecessarily: Don’t rewrite working code unnecessarily, instead, focus on improving it incrementally.
  • Secure coding practices: Use secure coding practices to prevent common security issues.
  • Use Docker swarms: Use Docker swarms to simplify deployment and scaling.