Monitoring Surveillance Vendors: A Deep Dive into In-the-Wild Android Full Chains in 2021

Explore in-the-wild Android full chains in 2021 with zero-day exploits and PHP engine vulnerabilities, plus expert insights on bypassing hardware-level restrictions.

Key takeaways
  • The speaker monitors surveillance vendors and examines the in-the-wild Android full chains in 2021.
  • The expert uses a map syscall property to create a user space memory and exploit kernel vulnerabilities.
  • The presentation explores a zero-day vulnerability found in the Play Store, specifically a PHP engine vulnerability.
  • Christian Rice mentioned CVE-2019-2215.
  • The expert loads a local privilege escalation exploit and creates a full backdoor.
  • The Linux kernel has a page full handler that can be exploited.
  • The kernel allocates a structure called SMFPLIST before the mainstream kernel and is based on the exploit.
  • The expert uses SCM (Scholar Rights Datagram) to packet encode the exploit.
  • The analyst tracks more than 30 Android applications that use the same exploit.
  • The expert identifies a vulnerability in the Linux kernel and patches it using a map syscall property.
  • The presentation covers a deep dive into the zero-day exploit and how it affects surveillance vendors.
  • The expert explains how attackers bypass hardware-level restrictions.
  • The presentation concludes with a summary of the vulnerabilities and how they can be exploited for their own purposes. *istrate
  • User space program can be closed
  • Receive message with message pick flag
  • SC lysingly pre
  • You can get code execution