SAINTCON 2016 - Dale Rowe (tetraide) - Surviving Under Stress

Survive high-pressure situations in cybersecurity by prioritizing morale, mental health, teamwork, and real-world scenarios, and learn how mixed-gender teams and mentorship can enhance effectiveness.

Key takeaways

Key Takeaways

  • Surviving Under Stress: The importance of morale, mental health, and teamwork in high-pressure situations.
  • Mixed-Gender Teams: The benefits of mixed-gender teams in cybersecurity, including increased effectiveness and diversity.
  • Real-World Scenario: The importance of creating simulated real-world scenarios for teams to learn and experience.
  • CCDC: The Cyber Competition Defense Course (CCDC) and its value in providing hands-on training for cybersecurity professionals.
  • Teamwork and Communication: The importance of open communication and teamwork in overcoming challenges and stress.
  • Mentorship and Encouragement: The role of mentorship and encouragement in helping individuals feel supported and motivated.
  • Patch Management: The criticality of patch management and regular system updates in preventing security breaches.
  • Business Impact: The importance of considering the business impact of security breaches and the need for timely incident response.
  • Psychological Safety: The need for a culture of psychological safety, where individuals feel comfortable sharing ideas andipient).
  • Focus on the Why: The importance of understanding the reasoning behind security best practices.
  • Cybersecurity Program: The benefits of BYU’s cybersecurity program, including its emphasis on hands-on experience and mentorship.