Building desktop apps with PHP - Marcel Pociot


Learn how to build desktop applications with PHP using Native PHP, a Laravel package that enables real-time communication and hot reloading, and unlocks a range of native features like clipboard and screenshot APIs.

Key takeaways
  • PHP can be used to build desktop applications using native PHP, a Laravel package.
  • The package allows you to create desktop apps with PHP, making it possible to use the same skills and codebases.
  • Native PHP includes a service provider that sets up the necessary configuration and bridging between PHP and Electron.
  • The package uses a command-line interface to set up the desktop application, allowing for hot reloading and easy development.
  • PHP code can be executed in the background process, separate from the rendering process, allowing for real-time communication between the two.
  • Native PHP includes facades for accessing native operating system features, such as clipboard and screenshot APIs.
  • The package uses Laravel components, such as Livewire, to create desktop applications with real-time updates and back-end communication.
  • Some key features of native PHP include:
    • Support for clipboard and screenshot APIs
    • Real-time communication between the back-end and front-end
    • Hot reloading for easy development
    • Use of Laravel components, such as Livewire
    • Ability to create desktop applications with PHP code
  • The package is open-source and available at