Optimizing Page Experience in PHP | Alain Schlesser


Optimize page experience with PHP, including inlining, tree shaking, server-side rendering, caching, lazy loading, resource hints, AMP, and monitoring metrics to improve performance and user experience.

Key takeaways
  • Optimize inlining of CSS and scripts to reduce latency and improve performance.
  • Use tree shaking to eliminate unnecessary code and optimize for specificity.
  • Leverage PHP to optimize page experience, including server-side rendering and caching.
  • Consider lazy loading of content to reduce initial load time.
  • Use resource hints, such as prefetch, preconnect, and preload, to improve page load times.
  • Keep an eye on the browser’s viewport and consider using the AMP toolbox to optimize layout and performance.
  • Monitor page experience metrics, including largest contentful paint and cumulative layout shift, to identify areas for improvement.
  • Include a page experience engine to optimize page rendering and layout.
  • Consider using signed exchanges to ensure caching and content validity.
  • Use PHP to automate page optimization, reducing manual effort and improving consistency.
  • Prioritize content loading and rendering to improve page experience.