In Defence of PHP - Stephen Rees-Carter - NDC Security 2023

Learn about the often-maligned PHP and discover why it remains a popular language despite criticism. Explore its strong track record, modern security features, and benefits that make it a favorite among developers.

Key takeaways
  • PHP is still a popular language, despite what people may think
  • The rise of shared hosting made PHP easy to use and cheap, which led to its widespread adoption
  • PHP has two parts: the language itself, and the frameworks and tools built on top of it
  • PHP has a safety track record, with critical security issues being rare
  • The author loves PHP and thinks it’s often unfairly judged
  • There are many reasons why people might use PHP, including ease of use, low cost, and the ability to build complex applications quickly
  • Laravel is a great example of a PHP framework that provides a lot of security features out of the box
  • PHP has a strong focus on security, with features like auto-loading, CSRF protection, and JSON web tokens
  • Many modern PHP applications follow security best practices, such as separating front-end and back-end code
  • PHP’s simplicity makes it easy to get started, but also means it can be prone to mistakes
  • The author has experience cleaning up infected WordPress sites, and found that many of these sites were vulnerable due to out-of-date software or misconfigured security settings
  • PHP has a strong focus on updates and keeping software up-to-date, which helps to prevent security issues
  • The author thinks that PHP is often knocked for being “legacy” or “dead”, but it’s still widely used and has a strong community
  • PHP’s popularity means that there are many resources available for learning and troubleshooting, including a large number of third-party packages and plugins