Make me a JS Object Model - Milko Kosturkov - PHP UK 2022

Make PHP objects behave like JavaScript objects with JavaScript-inspired classes and syntax. Learn how to create constructors, implement inheritance, and use closures to create objects with methods.

Key takeaways
  • Make PHP objects behave like JavaScript objects
  • Create a JSConstructor class that can act like a JavaScript constructor
  • Use new keyword to create objects
  • prototype property to inherit behavior
  • Implement inheritance between objects
  • Use closures to create objects with a constructor
  • Create a magic invoke method to call functions on objects
  • Implement a magic get method to get properties on objects
  • Use this reference to call functions in the context of the object
  • Create a JSObject class that extends the JSConstructor class
  • Implement a callable property to create objects that can be called like functions
  • Implement inheritance between objects using the prototype chain
  • Use the new keyword to create objects with a constructor
  • Implement a constructor property to create objects with a constructor
  • Use the magic call method to call functions on objects
  • Implement a get and set method to get and set properties on objects
  • Use the this reference to call functions in the context of the object
  • Implement a callable property to create objects that can be called like functions
  • Implement inheritance between objects using the prototype chain