DPC2019: Automatic Web Page Optimisation in Pure PHP - Albert Peschar

Optimize your web pages automatically with PHP, learn techniques for mod page speed, keepalive connections, image compression, caching, lazy loading, and more, in this insightful conference talk.

Key takeaways
  • Dynamic optimization of web pages: The speaker discusses the need for automatic web page optimization, especially when dealing with dynamic content. This includes replacing static resource references with dynamic references, and optimizing images and CSS.
  • Mod page speed: The speaker mentions mod page speed as a tool that can automatically optimize web pages, but notes that it can be painful to update and requires a lot of work.
  • Keepalive connections: The speaker explains the importance of keepalive connections in optimizing web page load times, mentioning that it can significantly improve performance.
  • Image optimization: The speaker highlights the importance of image optimization in web page optimization, noting that it can save significant bandwidth and improve load times.
  • Google PageSpeed Insights: The speaker discusses Google PageSpeed Insights as a tool that can analyze web page performance and provide suggestions for improvement.
  • Caching and lazy loading: The speaker explains the importance of caching and lazy loading in web page optimization, noting that it can help reduce the load on servers and improve performance.
  • Async JavaScript: The speaker notes that async JavaScript can slow down web page load times, especially if not executed correctly.
  • Browser caching: The speaker discusses the importance of browser caching in optimizing web page load times, noting that it can help reduce the number of requests sent to the server.
  • Legacy app optimization: The speaker notes that optimizing legacy apps can be challenging, but emphasizes the importance of doing so to improve performance and user experience.