Going serverless with PHP and Bref.sh - Mike Lehan - PHP UK 2022

Here is the meta description: Discover how to go serverless with PHP using AWS and Bref.sh, covering topics from payment integration to secure data storage, and learn the pros and cons of this innovative approach.

Key takeaways
  • Using AWS and Bref.sh for serverless PHP
  • S3 bucket can serve websites without having to provision own servers
  • Stripe payment integration with serverless PHP
  • Lambda functions for serverless PHP
  • CloudFront for caching and content delivery
  • DynamoDB for NoSQL data storage
  • Secrets Manager for secure data storage
  • Establishing secure connections with APIs using HTTPS
  • Migration of data from traditional servers to serverless environment
  • Use of local stack to simulate serverless environment locally
  • Handling of cold starts and warm starts in serverless environments
  • Timeouts for API Gateway
  • Importance of logging in serverless environments
  • Using Docker for serverless environments
  • Benefits of using AWS as a cloud provider
  • Pros and cons of serverless computing
  • Importance of security and authentication in serverless environments
  • Using an ORM (Object-Relational Mapping) for database interactions in serverless environments
  • Avoiding duplicate data and ensuring data integrity in serverless environments