An Introduction To Cloud Native Technologies - Brad Topol

Get an introduction to cloud native technologies and learn how Kubernetes, Docker, and other tools can help you build scalable and efficient applications.

Key takeaways
  • Kubernetes is a container orchestration tool that focuses on automating many tasks, such as scaling, rolling updates, and self-healing.
  • Containers are more lightweight and efficient than virtual machines.
  • Kubernetes has a declarative model, where you declare what you want to happen and the system figures out how to make it happen.
  • Operators are reusable modules that extend the functionality of Kubernetes.
  • Observability is the ability to understand the state of a complex system. Open Telemetry is an open-source observability framework.
  • Docker containers can share storage and can be scaled up or down.
  • Tekton is a CI/CD system that runs as a Kubernetes application.
  • The cloud native computing ecosystem is an open-source movement that emphasizes containers, orchestration, and automation.
  • Argo CD is an open-source, cloud-native application delivery platform.
  • The main components of cloud native technologies are containers, orchestration, continuous integration and delivery, and observability.
  • Kubernetes is a scalable and extensible platform that can be used for a variety of applications, including stateless web servers and stateful databases.
  • Operators allow you to add custom resources and worry about lifecycle management.
  • Continuous delivery and continuous deployment are important concepts in cloud native computing.
  • Docker is an open-source container engine that allows you to package and run applications in containers.